Thursday, September 2, 2010
AFK for Awhile...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Ravenwood Radio: Episode 23 and After Party

Woot! Flikr is Awesome! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Pet of the Week: Sir Blarney

Species: Leprechaun
Card/Abilities: Gives 1 Leprechaun Card(180-220 damage) as of Baby
Bio: I found Sir Blarney entirely by accident. I was helping a friend defeat the Death Oni in the Tree of Life which was rather easy for a Grandmaster Theurg. After I defeated the Oni, amongst the loot, there he was! Sir Blarney was trying to make away with some of the gold that the Death Oni had left behind. Had he not been stuffing his pockets, he would've noticed me creeping up behind him. WHAM! I caught the little thief. After spending some time with my other pets, Sir Blarney has turned over a new leaf(in search for more gold perhaps). He now occupies his time running an underground Casino in Marleybone in an undisclosed location. Sir Blarney loves to make money and eating Skittles at the end of a Double Rainbow. He hates losing money(duh), thieves, beggars, and regular Rainbows. Just be careful with your money bags, lest your gold ends up in Blarney's Pot of Gold.
Location/Boss: Tree of Life/Death Oni
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Wayfinder Scheme: What's all the buzz?
- The Enter Key is your friend. When confirming your sale or purchase, instead of clicking YES with your mouse, just click ENTER on your keyboard. It'll save you time, and make it harder for others to snipe your stuff.
- The SELL tab is always open. I know the 2-Headed Wiz adviced going to the AMULET tab before you sell your Wayfinder stock, but there's really no need. Right away you open the Bazaar window, you can go ahead and click the SELL tab before anything loads. No loading time or need to choose the useable option. This will save you a couple seconds, making your trips shorter, and you rich faster.
- Watch your gold. In order to make a profit, there must be no Wayfinder Helmets/Robes in the bazaar. Otherwise, you will not receive 17,011 per hat/robe and make a profit. If there are other Wayfinder Helmets/Robes in stock you can either wait for someone else to buy them or buy them yourself. If you're gonna buy them yourself, make sure you have at least 5,366 gold per item that you buy. If you buy too many hats/robes you might not have enough to dye them all afterwards.
- Diversify your Wayfinder stock. Wayfinder Robes and Wayfinder Helmets are interchangeable. They both buy and sell for the exact same amount of gold. The only difference is that people buy Wayfinder Helmets a lot more than Robes. This means that you'll have to buy a lot more Wayfinder Robes to sell them at 17,011 gold, but either way you'll be making money regardless of which you use. So go ahead and merchant both!
- More Robes, Less Time, More Money! When merchanting Wayfinder Robes you need to keep a few things in mind. After you sell the robe, and click the BUY tab, quickly click the ROBE tab. Otherwise, you will have to load the HAT tab and then the ROBE tab. Then click the LVL tab twice just as before, but don't click the CHANGE COLOR tab(Unless you're a girl). For boys, the default color is already Brown Brown, so you can just go ahead and buy the robe. But for girls, the default color is Gold Gold, so you'll just have to change the base color to White before you buy the robe back. The more gold you make, the more robes you can buy thus the less time it will take to make even more money (@ 1565+ per robe).
That's all I can think of for now. Make sure you read the Two-Headed Wizard's guide(here), if you haven't already. He provides lots of excellent tips on using teleports to and from the Bazaar. If you have any questions or need me to clarify any of the above, feel free to send me an email or just leave a comment below. Thanks for Reading! And stay tuned for this week's Pet of the Week!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Update on the Keeper: Part III (Farewell, Cassandra!)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Update on the Keeper: Part II (w/ Pet Training Tips)
Oh yeah, I did a couple Warehouse runs (Piece of Cake), did one run of Briskbreeze Tower (It was a breeze), and fought Malistaire twice (Pwnage). I finally got the Malistaire Athame and Ring, not the grand ones(already had those), the ones with incoming and outgoing healing percentage (Malistaire Drake's DeathEdge and Malistaire Drake's Ruby Signet). These two items are invaluable for a Theurgist, especially when fighting in groups while questing or in PvP.
I've made a ton of gold using my "Money Making: Merchanting Wayfinder Helmet" guide.
Although, finding stuff to spend all that gold on isn't easy. Apart from buying house items and reagents in the bazaar, I've been mating my Ancient Satyr, King Cosmo everyday. Unfortunately, the only new pets I've received have been a Traveler, which looks like a Myth Treant, and several more Satyrs.
As I've been training Lord Bentley, I learned a few things.
This is what I did(Click images for full resolution):
- Fed Lord Bentley a Life Rank 5 Gummy Humongofrog which yielded +7 experience, then fed him a Myth Rank 6 Ambros Cereal which yielded the same +7 experience.
- However, when I fed him a Life Rank 5 Golden Grapes, it only yielded +6 experience. And I think I know why.
Normally, the amount of experience your pet receives from a snack is equal to the rank of that snack, with 3 exceptions.
- Your pet likes to eat snacks from its own school. When you feed them snacks from the same school, they receive +1 extra experience. So Lord Bentley, a Life Minotaur, gets +6 exp from the Life Rank 5 Golden Grapes, instead of +5 exp. But why didn't the Gummy Humongofrog also yield +6 exp. That brings us to the second exception.
- Your pet is power hungry. When you feed them snacks that have at least +2 Power(that's 2 or more), they will gain +1 extra exp. So that's why when Lord Bentley received +7 exp from the Myth Rank 6 Ambros Cereal, instead of +6 exp. This exception stacks with the 1st exception. That's why Lord Bentley received +7 exp from the Life Rank 5 Gummy Humongofrog, instead of +5 exp.
- Your pet loves MegaSnacks! All MegaSnacks are Rank 8 (I think), but they give a ton of experience (highest I've seen so far is +30). So they're clearly an exception to the first 2 rules.
So when buying/crafting snacks for your pets make sure to look for snacks that are from the same school and have at least +2 Power so that you can take advantage of the extra +2 experience. Currently, Lord Bentley's favorite snacks include all MegaSnacks and Rice Wispie Cereal, a Life Rank 6 Snack that gives +8 experience per 8 pana(that's pet mana). Keep looking for those deals, and Thanks for reading! What's your pet's favorite snacks? Comment below...
-The Spirit Keeper-
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Making Money: Merchanting Wayfinder Helmet
To start you're going to need a Wayfinder Helmet(dropped by the Main boss in the Warehouse) and 5,366 gold.

Now quickly click the BUY tab, wait for it to load, click the LEVEL tab twice (since the Wayfinder Helmet will always appear first), click CHANGE COLOR, dye the base Brown with Brown trim for boys, and White with Gold Trim for girls. The buying price should be 10,080 gold or less for boys and 10,962 gold or less for girls. If it more than that, then you didn't choose the right color combinations. After you change the color, click buy and confirm. You should have more gold than when you started. Do this a couple times and you should be at MAX gold in no time. Now, you're probably wondering why I had more than 1 Wayfinder Helmet. Those extra Wayfinder Helmets are ones that I bought fom the bazaar so that I could sell my Wayfinder Helmets at 17,011 gold. Having extra Wayfinder Helmets is always beneficial. First, someone else might buy the Wayfinder Helmet you sold before you have time to buy it back; so having extras is handy. Also, for each Wayfinder Helmet you have you make the following:
For Boys:
17,011(Selling Price)-5,366(Dyeing Price)-10,080(Buying Price)= +1,565 gold Profit! per hat
For Girls:
17,011(Selling Price)-5,366(Dyeing Price)-10,962(Buying Price)= +683 gold Profit! per hat
So the more Wayfinder Helmet's you have the more gold you make per trip. Now 1,565 and 683 might not seem like a lot of gold, but if you use mana to mark your location in the Bazaar and have a friend to port to in the Dye Shop(friend saves you like 30 secs), then you can do each trip in a minute(amount of time it takes for your mana mark port to reset). This gets you MAX gold in 1 hour and 30 minutes(for boys) and 3 hours and 30 minutes(for girls) if you use one hat. The more hats you use, the less time it takes.
If you have any questions/issues email me at and if this guide works for you, please comment verifying that it does below.